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1 No. Safdarpur Union Parishad: Upazila Headquarters - Railway / CNG / Rixa / Almasadhu / Nachimon / Kariman / Motorcycles
Dhora Union Parishad No. 2: One of the tehari areas of Kotchandpur upazila, developed on the banks of Kopotak river carrying black witnesses, Today, in his later years, in the field of education, culture, religious rituals, sport, he has his own self-esteem in various fields.
Doda Union Parishad from 2 upazila headquarters, including the transport system of different villages-

 Upazila Sadar Government Hospital Gate II to Doda Union Parishad - CNG / Nachimon / Kariman / Van - 15-20 / - (Approved).

No.3 Kushana Union Parishad: It is necessary to rent 10 taka from Kotchandpur to Kushana Union Parishad. The medium of transportation is the catch. Kariman. Alamasadu. Also motorcycle. Kosna Bazar bus from Kotchandpur to get to Kushna market with Talsar Road. Then Kushna Union Parishad Bhaban, Kushna Bazar, 03, a little while on the north side.
4 Buluh union Parishad: A traditional area of ​​Kotchandpur upazila, established on the banks of the Kobadakshi river, is located on the banks of Kobadakshi, Baluhaor Union Today, in the later period, Baluhar Union has its own autonomy in various fields, including education, culture, religious rituals and sports. After reaching Kotkandpur upazila in Jainaidaha district town, only 10 minutes road after getting van or rickshaw from Kotchandpur city. Our union council is adjacent to the city. There are 11 villages in our union parishad. There are about 2 kilometers of paved roads and about 12-14 kilometers in different villages, half-way roads. The rest of the kilometer kacha road is there.
Alangi Union Parishad 5: Distance from the upazila city to the union council is 3 km. Bus, reska, van, auto and CNG can be used as a transportation medium. John gets 5 taka per rental